Our auditors are experienced in conducting Partners in Injury Reduction COR audits for ACSA, AASP, ASC, CCSA, 1SO9001 and Enform certifying partners to evaluate compliance and assess effectiveness of the management system. Our auditors combine in depth knowledge of regulatory programs and management system expertise.
Audits are coordinated through a Certifying Partner appropriate to their industry. The Certifying Partner then reviews the audit for compliance with quality standards. If the audit meets all of the standards, the Certifying Partner in conjunction with Alberta Human Resources and Employment, will issue a COR to the employer.
Davis Safety has worked with a multitude of companies in a variety of industries over the years including oil & gas, chemical plants, commercial construction and more. Many companies that have been in operation internationally for some time as well as smaller or starter companies. We provide assistance in building or refining your safety program that protects the very people that make it successful as well as protecting investors.
This experience has given us the opportunity to develop many unique auditing and inspection systems and documents that can be used or tailored to your needs.
Assist with the development of an audit and inspection system as a proactive effort to ensure that equipment and services are performing to your expectations. Identify and mitigate any potential gaps/deficiencies to reduce the potential for incidents and make sure the equipment is meeting company and regulatory compliance.
Assist in creating an audit and inspection system that may be as unique as your company. Providing you the documentation, piece of mind, and safety record that will demonstrate your due diligence for regulatory purposes as well as providing a consistent measuring tool for your company to continually gauge and improve your safety performance & standards.
Implement auditing and inspection tracking systems that generate useful statistics. These systems can be used to easily identify where improvements can be made and to generate meaningful feedback to your service providers or team of potential risks and opportunities. Also, providing potential or current investors with a variety of statistics and information showing how you are protecting their interests & investments.
Work with your team to assess, develop, or revise/evolve safe work procedures & practices that are relevant and practical to perform any task safely and efficiently.

Having properly written technical documentation is an investment that improves worker safety and reduces equipment damage. Whether your employees are responsible for the operation of thousands of dollars in equipment or millions, it is crucial to ensure they are trained in how you want the equipment to be run.
As an industry, we tend to rely heavily on our staff's previous experience or training. One of the reasons for this is that safety documentation is too-often not aligned with the site work practices, whether it's out of date or not developed for that specific task. Well written technical documents can save money through reduction of down-time and incidents.
Small things make all the difference in authoring technical documents. For example, compare “slowly open valve” to “open valve slowly.” If the reader were to read, “open valve,” they may open valve before reading, “slowly.” This is one of the many ways our expert writing team can help make your technical documents functional and easy to follow.