Breathing Air Skid Units
A portable breathing air unit that fits in the back of a pickup truck that can be taken into remote and tight locations to provide breathing air to workers who are performing work in an atmosphere that is outside of OHS standards. Each trailer come equipped with specialized equipment to perform various jobs.
High Pressure Trailers
A portable pull behind trailer that can be taken into remote locations to provide breathing air to workers who are performing work in an atmosphere that is outside of OHS standards. Each trailer come equipped with specialized equipment to perform various jobs.
Seacan Bulker Unit
Our skid mounted 40’ Seacans are outfitted to provide full breathing air refill, maintenance and repair needs. Including a cleaning station for packs, high pressure breathing air compressor, large air cascade system for quick turnaround times, and blast station for refilling both low and high pressure SCBA and SABA bottles.
MeshGuard LEL precisely monitors the lower explosive limit (%LEL) of flammable gases in your facilities. A reliable monitoring system providing continuous detection and measurement of potential threats even in hazardous environments
Environmental Cleanups, Remediation, Exploration, Fracking, Fence Line Monitoring, Plant Shutdown & Turn-Around